Monday, May 10, 2010

We are pleased to announce the cast list and stage managers for the show!

Court and Lovers
Theseus: Marshall Mills
Hippolyta: Jackie Yarbro
Egeus/Philostrate: Adam Pingel
Helena: Annie Carper
Hermia: Gaby Moldovan
Demetrius: Graham Wallis
Lysander: Dinesh Gurpur
Bottom: Daniel Chenard
Quince: Amanda Stables
Snug (Lion): Danielle Frederickson
Starveling (Moonshine): Taylor Shelley
Snout (Wall): Max Bahr
Flute: Joey Wright
Puck: Adam Pingel
Titania: Aimee Garcia
Oberon: Daniel Glenn/ Daniel Parvis
Changeling Child: Tim Eldredge
Moth: Kerby Wood
Mustardseed: Cole Spivia
*Peaseblossom: Mimi Middlebrooks and Serena McCracken
Cobweb: Seemab Awan
*Fairy 1: Frankie Webster, Michelle Daly, and Taylor Branton
Oberon Fairy: Randy Burnette
Oberon Fairy: Collin Daly
Oberon Fairy: Ashe Viswanathan
Oberon Fairy: Becca Martell
Oberon Fairy: Sarah Reichenbach
Oberon Fairy:Rachel Walls
*Peaseblossom and Fairy 1 are played by the actors listed for every show.
Stage Manager: Katie Barto.
ASMs: Mike Magliochetti, Adi Genosar, Taylor McCormick and Rachel Moldovan.

Rehearsals will take place over 5 DAYS and you MUST have your lines memorized by 9AM on the FIRST DAY OF REHEARSAL: Saturday, May 29 (location TBA--check back.)

The first read through will take place on Wednesday, May 12 at 6pm at the Moldovan’s house. Don’t be late.

This blog will include information for production, actors and audience so check back for more announcements and pictures! (and maybe some video!)

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